Summer Leadership Workshop

June 23-27, 2024 at

The Ohio State University

Since its founding in 1953, OASL has been offering leadership development programming to students across the state of Ohio. As our mission states, we are “dedicated to the teaching of leadership skills, organizational skills, and people skills valuable to the members and officers of all student organizations.” OASL empowers students to discover their passion and develop their capacity for leadership for one common goal: to create positive change in our Ohio schools & communities.

For the past 69 summers, Summer Workshop has been OASL’s signature and premier experience, described by many as life-changing and the highlight of their summer. Through experiential learning activities, this 5 day, 4 night summer camp experience helps students develop personal and group leadership skills, set and achieve worthy goals, pursue challenges, and take ownership for responsibilities. Following summer workshops, students return to their schools & communities with knowledge, conviction, and understanding which will empower them to positively impact all they encounter.

The best week of your summer!

Summer Workshop Program Levels

See below for our Objectives and Learning Outcomes!

  • OASL programs positively impact and elevate student leaders in all organizations, clubs, athletic teams, and school groups. Summer Workshop helps students become effective leaders who create positive change at your school and long after they graduate.

    This camp is for any student with with an open mind who is willing engage with other world changers!

  • Rising 7th graders to rising 9th graders.

    Three unique levels of programming are within our Middle Level curriculum. A student advances each year of participation.

    Middle Level I

    Middle Level II

    Middle Level III

  • Rising 10th graders to recently graduated seniors.

    Three unique levels of programming are within our Senior High Level curriculum. A student advances each year of participation.

    Senior High I

    Senior High II

    Senior High III

  • OASL has incredible high school and college volunteer staff members who participate in year-round training to prepare for their role during workshop!

    Students who attend our programming have an opportunity further their leadership development and facilitation skills by applying to be a member of the staff team.

    To apply for Middle Level Staff: Students must complete two years of Middle Level Workshops and one year of Senior High Workshop.

    To apply for Senior High Staff: Students must complete at least two years of Senior High Workshops, and are highly encouraged to complete a third level.

    Applications are sent via email in late August or Early September.

  • OASL Summer Workshop counts towards the Student Engagement Seal for many school districts! Students should check with their school counselor, coach, club or activity advisor, or a school administrator to see if OASL Summer Leadership Workshop hours can count toward the Student Engagement seal for their local school district.

What does a typical day at workshop look like?

Senior High Program

Objectives and Learning Outcomes

  • Encourage the development of leadership skills

  • Improve student groups by giving understanding of strong foundation, worthy goals, and tools for achieving goals

  • Provide secondary education with a leadership philosophy that challenges intelligence and stimulates excellence

  • Inspire young leaders to accept responsibilities, so they may return to their communities with knowledge, convictions, and understanding, which will better all they encounter

Senior High One

  • Recognize the benefits of taking positive risks that lead to positive experiences and outcomes

  • Identify actions that will bring about positive change

  • Understand the connection between effective leadership and service to others

  • Appreciate the value in being your authentic self in order to form authentic relationships with others

  • Discern how one’s social media presence may be viewed as a reflection of oneself

  • Identify positive habits that will enhance overall health and wellness

  • Discover the role of reflection in increasing awareness and understanding

  • Recognize that self-awareness is essential to growth and development

  • Understand that effective leadership most often requires a community mindset

Senior High Two

  • Recognize that working well with others requires understanding other personality types

  • Differentiate types of conflict and evaluate how to approach each appropriately

  • Understand how utilizing various communication techniques can enhance group effectiveness

  • Identify the individual and group benefits of honest and open communication

  • Demonstrate how to give and receive constructive and meaningful feedback

  • Understand how trust evolves in a group and why it is essential to group development

  • Recognize how each individual contributes to group dynamics

  • Recall methods of effective group problem-solving

  • Apply awareness of the impact of one’s thoughts and feelings

Senior High Three

  • Recognize the skills and attitudes necessary to confidently navigate life’s transitions

  • Determine measurable and realistic individual and group goals and objectives

  • Understand the skills, traits, and behaviors required of a positive role model

  • Recall effective group facilitation methods and techniques

  • Utilize observation to provide positive and constructive feedback

  • Recognize characteristics of a fixed and a growth mindset and apply that awareness to adapt thought processes

  • Identify one’;s internal and external obstacles and reflect on methods and resources to overcome them

  • Understand the steps necessary in successful project or event planning and implementation

  • Apply networking skills to connect with other individuals in a professional setting.

Ohio IMPACT Day at Summer Workshop!

I.M.P.A.C.T stands for: Inspire, Mentor, Partner, Advocate & Connect Together.

Ohio IMPACT Day is a unique part of the OASL Summer Workshop program designed to connect OASL students with community leaders, educators, and organizational partners who support leadership education and development for students across Ohio. This half-day program involves a speed networking session, a camp-wide team-building activity, and a service project!